Year 3 Blog - 22.10.21
Date: 21st Oct 2021 @ 10:51am
Well we made it!
The end of a fun filled and rather tiring half term is upon us. We are really proud of the way the children have adjusted to the demands of joining the juniors. As we mentioned at our ‘Welcome to Year Three’ meeting it can seem a little overwhelming taking that step from infants but the children are now settling into our rather hectic routine. However, a much-needed rest has come at exactly the right time.
This week we have had a mini focus on London as a precursor for next half terms topic of “Around the world in 38 days” We will be looking more closely at the human and physical features of the 7 continents and judging from the excitement our discussions surrounding London have brought we are looking forward to another happy half term. Thank you to everyone who sent some photos of your adventures in London into school. The children really enjoyed spotting all the famous landmarks in the background of your selfies.
Despite the rather miserable weather on Monday we enjoyed our first visit to church in such a long time to celebrate St. Luke’s Day. Reverend Matt was on fine form teaching us all about how we must never judge a book or in his case an egg by its cover. Ask your child to tell you all about it. There were a few gasps around church as he invited a child to crack an egg over his head …
Wishing you all a happy, healthy and restful break. We look forward to the children returning ready and raring to go. Dare we mention the C word… Christmas is coming!!!
Have a great half term, take care!
The Year Three team x