Year 3 Blog 24.03.2023
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 4:37pm
What do you know about pneumatics? Do you wish you knew more? Just ask your child!
This week has been all about Design Technology, with the children designing and creating their own pneumatic toys. We started the week with an investigation into just how powerful air can be when placed under pressure – several children levitated with the help of balloons and pumps, to the great excitement of everyone in Year 3! We then used syringes, tubing and balloons to explore the tolerances of materials and the balance of pressure we’d need to make our toys work well.
Our creativity and design flair then came to the fore as we decorated our creations, with each toy becoming as individual and amazing as we are. We used a range of pheumatics to animate our toys, ready to share with our Year 1 friends. It’s been a fantastic project and we hope you’ll enjoy looking at our photos.
We’ve linked our English lessons to our Science topic of Forces, using encyclopaedias to explore the features of non-fiction texts. We’ve learned the key skill of note-taking to gather information ready to create our own non-fiction posters about forces next week.
We’ve continued our fractions topic in maths, exploring fractions of quantities. The children have worked really hard but it’s a tricky skill so we’ll continue to practise in school and hope you’ll find opportunities to do so at home, too.
As ever, please encourage your child to access the TT Rockstars programme daily at home; it only needs to be for 10 minutes but it makes such an enormous difference. Choose the Jamming mode and select the times tables that your child is comfortable with to begin with then add in the 3, 4, 8 x tables. These catchy songs will also help embed learning:
Skip count by 8
Skip count by 4
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
The Year Three Team