Year 4 Blog 11.11.22
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 8:07am
We’ve had another busy week in Year 4.
In English, the children have been asked by Dr X, to help get him out of prison. He has asked them to collect evidence to show that he is a good person at heart.
In History, the children have been looking at events that happened during the period of Anglo-Saxon England. In groups they created a time line placing them in chronological order.
In RE, we have been thinking about our life journey so far, and our hopes and dreams for the future.
The children began their hockey in PE, learning how to hold the stick and improve their dribbling techniques.
In Latin, the children have been word detectives by looking at Latin mottos and working out their English translation.
The children used their observation skills in Art, to sketch objects by using a variety of mark making techniques.
Thanks to Year 6 we took part in an emotive Remembrance service, which helped remember those who lost their lives for us.
Well done to our Weekly Superstar: 4C: Nancy and Harvey 4H
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.