Year 4 blog 11.2.22
Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:10pm
Year 4 have had a great end to a busy half term!
They have been taking part in daily activities to acknowledge Children’s mental health week.
In English, they finally used their evidence to write a balanced argument about whether Dr X was a good person or not!
In dance, the children creatively worked together to put their dance actions into a finished, choreographed 32 beat sequence.
In art, the children have been continuing to develop their 'birds in the tree' composition, and this week, had the opportunity to experiment with acrylic paints, mixing colours and creating colour palettes before painting their background. Following this, they were able to peel off the masking tape to uncover their blank tree design on an acrylic background.
On Thursday afternoon, 4C had fun celebrating their 30 golden tickets.
Well done to our Weekly Superstars: -
4C: Harleigh and Catrin 4W.
We hope you all have a great half term break!
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.