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Year 4 blog 1.12.23

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 1:37pm

Thankfully, this week has been a much drier and sunnier one.

In Maths the children have been multiplying 3-digit numbers with renaming. They have been checking their answers by using the inverse operation.

We have also spent some time creating symmetrical snowflakes and stars based on hexagons and pentagons, to decorate our classrooms in time for Christmas.

In English, the children have been descriptive writers! They have written their own imaginative versions of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse from the Fox’s point of view.

 In History, the children have been researching The Anglo Saxons, using secondary sources. The children realised it is important to consider all sources, to make sure they get as clear a picture as possible of the past.

To top off their busy week, the children have been using their beautiful singing voices to practice the hymns that will be used in Mat’s Christingle service on Sunday 10th December, in St Luke’s Church.

A ‘big’ well done to our Weekly Superstars: 4C: Georgia and Johanna 4WM.

Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.

The Year 4 Team.

to learn, to succeed, to value one another

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. A value is a belief or principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. Our values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident and to to take an active role in their community and the wider world.

Each year group has adopted one of our Christian values: Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness, Hope, Faithfulness and Respect. Our over-arching Christian Value is Love. Throughout the year children are helped to explore, have opportunities to practise and then given time to reflect on what each of our Christian values means to them.


St Luke's CE Primary School

Jubilee Road, Formby, Merseyside, L37 2HW

Mrs L Carrigan | Bursar

01704 872692

[email protected]