Year 4 Blog 12.5.23
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 12:37pm
Year 4 have had another great week of learning.
We had an exciting visit from Mr Egypt. The children were given lots of insight into what life was like for ancient Egyptians. They were given lots of experiences, including handling real artefacts. They listened and answered with enthusiasm and Mr Egypt was very impressed with the super questions they had for him.
In Science, we’re beginning to learn about sound.
In RE, the children thought about what makes them happy and that how we act in life can affect our happiness.
The children have been very expressive in PE, working alone and in groups of 2 and 4 when developing an Egyptian dance, showing the struggles and sorrow the slaves would have gone through when building the pyramids.
They continue to improve during their brass lessons, and can now play four different notes.
In Art the children were introduced to a large sculpture. They had to imagine themselves as being only 15cm tall and express how they would react to its enormous size. They were given some clay and asked to mould their clay into a figure, showing their reaction. The children produced some superb figures, showing an great variety of reactions.
In English we worked on improving our use of expanded noun phrases. The children certainly used their imaginations and changed basic sentences into super descriptive ones.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.