Year 4 blog 13.1.23
Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 8:05am
What a super, first ‘full week’ into the new Spring term we have had! It’s a pity the weather hasn’t been a little kinder! Luckily, we’ve managed to get outside for some of our playtimes!!!
In maths, we have been multiplying numbers by 10 and multiplying without renaming, using the expanded column method. Please ensure the children are regularly practicing their times tables to 12, as they rely on these when calculating their answers.
As part of this term’s Rainforest topic, the children have been introduced to The Great Kapok tree, in English. They have been orally retelling the story from a story map, and they worked in groups to act out different scenes from the story.
In Art, they created a sensory drawing, by using needles and sharp pencil tips.
Following on from last week’s RE were the children expressed what was important to them, they found out what was important to two British Hindu children.
In science, we have started looking at the similarities and difference between living things.
A ‘big’ well done to our Weekly Superstars: 4C: Jessica and Gracie 4H.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.