Year 4 Blog (13/9-17/9)
Date: 19th Sep 2021 @ 7:50pm
Our Yr4 pupils have had another outstanding week of settling back to school life and have worked really hard in all of their lessons.
In English, we have been exploring the relationships between the characters : Dog, Magpie and Fox. Fox has turned up and seems to be set on ruining the special bond that Dog and Magpie have built up. This has created lots of writing and S&L opportunities and the children are excited to find out what happend in each installment!
In RE we have been discussing the friendship between David and Jonathan and the reasons behind King Saul trying to persecute David.
The children have been making links between solids and liquids in Science lesons and were investigating why sand is a solid! The big question is : Is Jelly a solid or a liquid????
Well done to: Jessica, Isaac and Olivia who were this week's SUPERSTARS!
We are looking forward to another great week of learning on Monday.
Happy weekend!