Year 4 Blog 14.10.22
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 8:32am
The weeks are speeding past, and the children have nearly completed their first half term in Year 4!!
In Maths, they have been rounding and adding 4-digit numbers, with some renaming, and lots of careful calculating.
In English, the children have planned their own sequels to ‘Fox’ and are now writing up their exciting ideas.
In Science, the children have investigated how temperature is involved in the changing of states of matter. They have also linked these processes to stages of the Water Cycle.
In DT the children have been looking at different fastenings, and they are about to plan and make their own book covers.
In RE we have been looking at how Jesus inspired others, through his miracles.
In PE, the children have enthusiastically been working on their shoulder and overhead passes, improving their basketball skills.
Well done to our Weekly Superstar: 4C: Estella and Lottie C 4H
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.