Year 4 Blog 15.3.24
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 1:38pm
We’ve had a wet but great week in Year 4.
We’ve been enjoying our Science Week based on Time!
In Maths, the children have been looking at the 12hr and 24 hr clocks. They are definitely improving their ‘telling the time’ skills, and have been working out problems related to changing hours to minutes and minutes to seconds.
In science, the children have explored making simple electric circuits and made predictions as to whether a circuit was complete or incomplete.
In DT the children are using their circuit knowledge to make a train. When they are finished they will share their trains with their buddies!
We even had time to look at Granville T Woods and produce a time line of his super achievements.
On Friday, the children looked very bright in their red, to support Red Nose Day! They had fun sharing jokes.
Well done to our Weekly Superstars: -
4C: Harrison and Edie and Sophia, Alexander and Sam 4WM.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.