Year 4 Blog 17.6.22
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 2:05pm
Thankfully, the sun has continued to shine for us this week!
In English, the children have been retelling the story of The Great Kapok Tree using only pictures to help them develop key words and actions. At first, they worked in small groups to develop their ideas, then the whole class recited the story using each group’s words and actions.
In Maths, the children have been converting units of mass, and measuring the perimeter of 2D shapes. Homelearning focusses on conversion of units of mass.
In PE, they excitedly enjoyed the challenge of their cricket lesson with coach Stephen, practising soft throws and catches.
The children also began their first orienteering session, focusing on reading from a key and becoming familiar with a map. Their maps however were of silly faces made up from coloured quoits, cones, bean bags and hoops!
In Geography, they were identifying where rainforests are located in the world.
Congratulations to this week's superstars: -
4C: Aurora and Lucy 4W: Joel
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.