Year 4 Blog 19.5.23
Date: 19th May 2023 @ 3:04pm
The sun has mainly been shining on us this week, and Year 4 have been ‘on fire’ with their learning!
In English, the children have been given the task to write a newspaper report about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. They have been busily planning their report this week, ready to write it next week.
In Science, we’ve been looking at how sound is made. The children worked with a partner to make a string telephone. They certainly enjoyed testing them out. See if your child can explain what they did to get the best sound.
During DT, the children have been making their pavilion. They have used their plans and developed their ideas as the have gone along. We may well have some budding architects in year 4!!
In Maths, the children have worked with decimals, and have been writing tenths and hundredths.
In PE, the children developed their longjump techniques. Taking account of which leg they use as their lead leg and improving their landing techniques.
As artists, the children have continued their ‘Art of Display’ theme. They have worked together, creating a pocket-sized gallery, in which they are producing and displaying art pieces.
Congratulations to this week's superstars: - 4C: Lily 4W: JoshF
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning. The Year 4 Team.