Year 4 Blog 2.2.24
Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 1:20pm
We can’t believe we’re nearly at the end of this half term and the children are excitedly looking forward a well-earned break.
In maths, the children’s new topic is fractions. They have been busily: counting in hundredths, looking at improper fractions, putting mixed numbers onto number lines and finding equivalent fractions. Here's a link to help the children understand.
Improper fractions and mixed numbers
In English, the children have been looking at two National parks: Glacier Bay and Virgin Islands, to see which one would be the best to visit. They have researched each one, to find evidence in order to write their balanced argument.
Continuing the theme of pattern this week in Art, we looked at the American artist Sol Le Witt. The children developed their own sketches using his style of art. They sketched an array of randomly spaced dots and connected them with single straight lines. They also drew parallel lines and blocked off part of the patterns that over lapped another.
In Geography the children have been learning more about South America and the Amazonian Rainforest and the different layers that make up the rainforest.
In Latin the children used their understanding of verb endings to produce a comic strip about the myth of Midas.
The children enjoyed dressing up as a number on Friday, to support the NSPCC Number Day!
A ‘big’ well done to our Weekly Superstars: 4C Erin and Evan 4WM
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.