Year 4 Blog 22.4.22
Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 2:54pm
Following the Easter break, Year 4 have returned to school wearing their Summer uniforms and have had a great start to their Summer term. Thankfully the sun has been shining all week!
For English, the children have had the opportunity to share their Easter adventures with each other, using their speaking and listening skills. They have also written a recount of their Easter break, adding lots of description.
In Maths, the children have continued working with fractions. They have been adding and simplifying fractions this week.
In Art they have been looking at bird nests. They were introduced to the word concave and began sketching their own nests, using a variety of mark making tools. They were challenged to take a risk with the marks they were making.
In RE the children began thinking about journeys, and discussed what a journey meant to them.
Congratulations to this week's superstars: 4W: James 4C: Amelie
We’ve certainly had an enthusiastic start to the Summer term!
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.