Year 4 Blog 24.2.23
Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 10:26am
Year 4 have come back from their half term break, full of enthusiasm and have worked their socks off!!
The children were eagerly introduced to their brass instruments this week and they enjoyed making many interesting sounds, as they got used to the mouth pieces!! Once they have been shown how their instruments work, they will be bringing them home.
In PE, the children have started their handball lessons, and had fun developing their skills.
In history the children have enjoyed finding out about the Early Civilisations. See if they can tell you something about them!
Thanks to those children who came to school on Wednesday, looking smart in their uniforms for World Thinking Day on - uniformed organisations.
Well done to our Weekly Superstars: -
4C: Mollie F and William 4H.
We hope you are all rested after your half term break!
The children are certainly excited for their first residential to CHET next week.
(only 3 more sleeps!)
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.