Year 4 Blog 25.11.22
Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 7:58am
What a wet week we have had, it hasn’t dampened the children’s spirits though!
The World Cup has definitely been on their minds and each class has been given 4 countries to find out lots of information about.
In Maths the children have continued working with multiples, this week focusing on 9 and 11. Their confidence is certainly moving in the right direction.
In English, the children used their plans to write a letter, hoping to persuade the people of Grenville that Dr X is innocent and should not be in jail.
In History, the children have been looking at what life was like during the Anglo-Saxon period, by looking at secondary sources.
In Art, we’ve found out at the artist Gustav Klimt. The children have sketched their own versions of his Tree of Life.
During RE we discussed Baptism, and its importance to Christians.
A ‘big’ well done to our Weekly Superstars: 4C: Evelyn and Kyryll 4H
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.