Year 4 blog 26.1.24
Date: 26th Jan 2024 @ 1:33pm
Year 4 have been working their socks off again this week!
In maths, we have continued to read and drawing graphs. We also started our next exciting chapter looking at fractions. The children have all used their new log ins for Doodle Learning, and can now access it from home as well. Their log in details are in their home learning books, if they forget them!
In English, the children have been looking further into two National Parks: Glacier Bay and Virgin Island. They are gathering information ready to produce a balanced argument, as to which one is better to visit?
In Geography they are thoroughly enjoying the wonders of the Rainforest!
We are continuing to look at pattern in Art. This week we looked at the Shaheen Ahmed, who classes herself as a Craftivist. She uses her art to showcase areas of the world that are suffering through war. She uses 2D and 3D and likes to base her work on maps of the areas she focusses on.
We have been looking at Living Things and what they need, in Science. The children should be able to explain both vertebrates and invertebrates and hopefully remember how many vertebrate groups there are!!!
The children proudly shared their CHET scrapbooking posters with their buddies today. They excitedly shared their memories!
A ‘big’ well done to our Weekly Superstars: 4C: Eleanor and Nancie 4WM.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.