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Year 4 blog 27.5.22

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 2:06pm

How did we get to half way through the summer term so quickly? The children have definitely earned their break, so they can be refreshed and ready to enjoy their final part of year 4.

In English, the children have been working on their endangered animal non- chronological reports, using the information they have been researching. They excitedly had the opportunity to share all their interesting facts, with their buddies along with their bird's nests.

In Maths, the children have continued to work with decimals, and have been dividing whole numbers by 10 and 100.

In PE, the children developed their throwing techniques, ready for their cricket lessons next half term.

In PSHE, we had a visit from the police who talked about stranger danger, safe internet use and rail safety. Some of the children enjoyed dressing up in an actual police uniform!

We even got chance to decorate our classrooms, ready to celebrate the Queen’s special jubilee!

Congratulations to this week's superstars: -   

4C: Harlow   4W: Sophia

We hope you all have a happy half term break!

Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.

The Year 4 Team.

to learn, to succeed, to value one another

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. A value is a belief or principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. Our values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident and to to take an active role in their community and the wider world.

Each year group has adopted one of our Christian values: Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness, Hope, Faithfulness and Respect. Our over-arching Christian Value is Love. Throughout the year children are helped to explore, have opportunities to practise and then given time to reflect on what each of our Christian values means to them.


St Luke's CE Primary School

Jubilee Road, Formby, Merseyside, L37 2HW

Mrs L Carrigan | Bursar

01704 872692

[email protected]