Year 4 Blog 29.4.22
Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 1:37pm
We have definitely got into the swing of the Spring term in Year 4.
In English, the children have been introduced to this half term’s area of learning, based on poetry. They have looked at various poetry devices and different types of poems. They are focusing on a nonsense poem by Spike Milligan called ‘On the Ning Nang Nong’. The children have enjoyed listening to nonsensical language.
In Maths, the children have been introduced to their new maths topic of Time. They have been converting times from 12 hour to 24 hour and vice versa.
In Science the children are looking at living things and how they can be grouped.
On Thursday, the children were very excited to have their school photographs taken.
Congratulations to this week's superstars: -
4C: Isaac 4W: Caden
We hope you all have a great 3-day weekend.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.