Year 4 blog 3.5.24
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:46pm
We have had another busy week in Year 4.
In Maths, the children have continued working on their topic of Money. They have been comparing amounts and rounding amounts to the nearest £1 and £10. They have also solved problems relating to money.
In Science, the children have continued investigating sound, focussing on pitch and volume.
In English they have continued writing super descriptive sentences based on Secrets of a Sun King.
In History, the children have been finding out why farming was important to the ancient Egyptians. They enjoyed researching and making notes.
Congratulations to this week's superstars: -
4C: Oliver 4WM: Iris and Sofia
We hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend, and the sun makes an appearance!!
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.