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Year 4 Blog 5.11.21

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 2:29pm

 Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term; the first week of an exciting and busy time! The children have certainly settled into their new term with enthusiasm!

We have had a great start to our new topic and the children have been finding out about how important the river Nile was to the Egyptians. 

The children have also worked with clay this week, creating a small clay figure showing their reaction to a larger sculpture.

4C enjoyed their first swimming session on Wednesday. No doubt, as the weeks progress, so will their swimming techniques.

Well done to our Weekly Superstar: 4C: Ellie and 4W: Leo

Next Thursday is Remembrance Day, when we will be reflecting upon those people who have lost their lives, to make the world a better place. We look forward to the Year 6’s Remembrance service.

Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.

Let's hope it's a dry weekend, so we can enjoy the end of a busy week!

The Year 4 Team.

to learn, to succeed, to value one another

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. A value is a belief or principle that guides our thinking and behaviour. Our values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident and to to take an active role in their community and the wider world.

Each year group has adopted one of our Christian values: Kindness, Forgiveness, Courage, Thankfulness, Hope, Faithfulness and Respect. Our over-arching Christian Value is Love. Throughout the year children are helped to explore, have opportunities to practise and then given time to reflect on what each of our Christian values means to them.


St Luke's CE Primary School

Jubilee Road, Formby, Merseyside, L37 2HW

Mrs L Carrigan | Bursar

01704 872692

[email protected]