Year 4 Blog 8.3.24
Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 12:34pm
We’ve had another great week in Year 4.
In English, the children have been chotting their ideas, in order to produce super descriptive language linked to Charlie and the Chocolate factory. They even designed their own ‘Golden tickets!’
In Maths, the children’s new topic is decimals. They have been counting and identifying tenths and hundredths.
In History, they have been looking at the Indus Valley and identifying where in the world it was located. They have also been ordering events of the time.
As musicians, they continue to get used to their new brass instrument and have played a couple of pieces of music, containing notes C, D and E.
4WM had their first swimming lesson this week, and 4C enjoyed relaxing within their yoga lesson.
To top off the week, the children had great fun dressing as their favourite book characters. They even joined in with the Masked Reader!
Well done to our Weekly Superstars: -
4C: Asher and Emilia 4WM.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.