Year 4 Blog (9/7/21)
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 5:30pm
This week, the children have been innovating in English and have taken the 'bare bones' story board of the Great Kapok Tree they did last week and altered some parts of it to personalise it for themselves. They then used their 'steps to success' worksheet to give them a range of words/phrases that they could use whilst writing their story. Each day they wrote a small section and by early next week, they will have it completed, ready to proof read and edirt.
The children have also been busy continuing their Henri Rousseau inspired rainforest collage and have enjoyed experimenting with a variety of colours and textures to develop their background.
It is Sports Day on Monday and over the last couple of weeks, they have been trying out a variety of races that will be taking place, and this week, they ranked their favourite 5 races in order of preference. The sack race is popular this year, along with the good old fashioned egg and spoon race! We are all looking forward to a morning of fun and enjoyable competition.
Enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing and keep safe and well.
The Year 4 Team.