Year 4 Blog
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 2:21pm
Our fourth week of the Autumn term got off to a great start, with an exciting visit from Mr Egypt. The children were given lots of insight into what life was like for ancient Egyptians. They were given lots of experiences, including handling real artefacts. They listened and answered with enthusiasm and Mr Egypt was very impressed with the super questions they had for him.
On Thursday evening, a number of our year 4 children represented school by singing beautifully at the Formby, Christmas lights switch on.
4C enjoyed another swimming session on Wednesday, again it was great to see the children develop in confidence whilst in the water.
A big ‘well done’ to Beau 4C, Lewis and James 4W for being our Superstars this week.
Many thanks again for supporting your child’s learning.
The Year 4 Team.