Year 4 Weekly Blog (20. 11. 20)
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 1:20pm
Hello and welcome to the end of Week 3. Not long now….
We have had another busy week with lots of learning going on within each of our classrooms.
On Monday we continued with our computer coding lessons; the children are really getting to grips with the Chromebooks and it’s great to see them unafraid of experimenting with various coding blocks to test the outcome.
We have introduced the formal method of multiplication and the children’s super X tables knowledge has certainly become useful in these sessions.
In English we have been having lots of in-depth discussions about the story “Fox”. We were introduced to Dog and Magpie and have learnt lots about their relationship. However, Fox has now joined the scene and things are beginning to hot up. The children were left at a crucial part of the story and are extremely keen to learn more of this character next week. Will Fox alter the chemistry between Dog and Magpie????
In PE, 4W children have been improving their running for distance and those who set off too fast last week have learnt to slow their pace down. This ensured that they could cover a further distance in the 10 minutes that they were running for. 4C unfortunately had the weather against them so they spent their session with the speed stacks. They worked out their dominant hand and practised stacking their cups in a 3-3-3 formation. All of the children also practised running for speed and moved onto travelling over hurdles in an efficient manner so as not to slow their pace down too much.
This week has been a time where we have focussed on Anti-bullying; it was great to see the children in their diverse odd socks! We watched a zoom assembly by the Southport And Area Schools Worker Trust (SASW Trust) and were set challenges that we completed in class related to bullying and how we can play our part to combat it.
On Friday, we were had a Zoom visit from Susan Brownrigg who talked enthusiastically about her new book Gracie Fairshaw. Her book is available to purchase for £5 by contacting the office.
Have a lovely weekend,
From the Year 4 Team.