Year 4 Weekly Blog (27. 11. 20)
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 12:37pm
Next week will be the beginning of Advent and those calendar doors will be getting enthusiastically opened by our rather excited children. Sports and other clubs will be able to recommence as we move out of the second lockdown, which will be great for our pupils who really enjoy these extra-curricular clubs outside of school.
This week, Rev Matt sent us an advent themed zoom worship and it was lovely that ‘Wrinkles’ could join him!
In Maths, the children worked extremely hard with their formal written column method of multiplying two- and three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. Practising these little at often at home will help them retain the method. We also introduced dividing two-digit numbers which was, as anticipated, found to be tricky, yet with our great Year 4 resilience, we didn’t give up. We will be spending next week consolidating and developing this strategy further.
In English, we are still on the rollercoaster of emotions with Fox, Dog and Magpie. The children were keen to see if they had predicted how the story continued after a tense cliff-hanger and have continued to enjoy the in-depth discussions which have helped us learn more about each of the characters.
All of the children have been brilliant with their coding and are showcasing their increasing ability to debug lines of programming code. They are looking forward to when they can design and code their own game which they will be doing just before the end of term.
During our invasion games lessons, the children’s skills are improving week on week. It is great to see them able to create space to receive a pass and seek out other team players to pass to. We even had some children able to feint or dummy a pass and confuse the defending team! All of the players were incredibly respectful of others and took part in the spirit of the School Games’ Values.
In Science, we introduced invertebrates into our lessons and the children have become fascinated by all the bugs that we have living on our planet and how they can all be classified into families. They have been enthused by the simple game of who am I, were they ask questions to narrow down which invertebrate their partner or teacher is thinking of before making a guess.
We have also been doing lots of other engaging lessons in what is always a busy week in Year 4.
Enjoy your weekend, stay safe and we look forward to getting back together on Monday morning.
The Year 4 Team.