Year 4 Weekly Blog (4. 9. 20)
Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 10:05am
Hello and a huge welcome back from all of the Year 4 team. It has been lovely to have the classrooms full of happy and energetic children ready for the year ahead. The children have enjoyed the mini ‘Sunshine after the rain’ topic that we began the year with. This has helped to settle them back into the ‘new normal’ and let them reconnect with each other. One of the focus areas this week has been resilience and what it means and how we can develop it. We have also looked at our emotions and how we can help to manage them in a fun and engaging way. The key phrase moving forward will be, “Be the Pond!” All will become clearer so don’t worry! J
All of the children have now changed their home readers. We are a little short of certain colour book banded books so your child may have come home with the level above the one they were on prior to school lockdown. If you have any school library books and/or 3IR class library books, then please return them to school and we can quarantine them for 48 hours before putting them back in their respective libraries.
Alongside Maths, spellings, handwriting and games next week, we will be studying a picture book called, “Here we are.” This will further enhance the children’s transition back to school and help with their reconnection with the school community.
Thank you for using the school email to communicate with us and for respecting the social distancing rules. If you do have any questions then please do contact us and we will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.
All PE will take place outside this term (apart from swimming of course!) and will commence next week. On the designated days for each class (including when it is a swimming day), please can you send your children into school in the correct outdoor PE kit. This is a white t-shirt, navy tracksuit bottoms, a navy sweatshirt or tracksuit top and appropriate trainers. The children will not be getting changed throughout the day so they need to arrive in school in their kit, which they’ll wear all day. Children who do not come in with the correct kit will not be able to contact home and we will not be able to accept kits into the office throughout the day, to avoid the risk of spreading Covid-19.
Children who wear earrings will need to either put tape over them (provided from home) or remove them for the session.
PE days this term are:
Wednesday (4W swimming 1st half term and 4C 2nd half term) and Friday.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to recommencing our learning journey again next week.
The Year 4 Team.