Year 4 Weekly Blog (9. 10. 20)
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 10:13am
Dear all,
Can you believe that we only have 8 school days left before half term!
This week we have had some pretty rough weather, yet the children have adapted brilliantly and have yet again worked really hard in all of their lessons.
On Wednesday, we all took part in the Merseyside 1-mile run. The children enjoyed getting outside and now know what a mile feels like to run! It’s quite a distance and they all did brilliantly, encouraging each other until the last person crossed the finish line. As we say, nobody gets left behind!
4W enjoyed week 5 of their swimming sessions and all of the children swam in the main pool which is a tremendous achievement.
4C have been continuing their drumming lessons with Mr Bowen and we are looking forward to paying a visit to the hall in the last week of term to watch and listen to a performance by the children.
In Art we have been learning how to draw self portraits and the children have all taken on board the skills taught to produce some wonderful first drafts. We will be adding shading and colour next week.
In English, we have been studying word classes and the children have been determiner/ verb/ adjective & noun detectives; next week we will include adverbs into the word class family.
In topic, on our river study, the children have been geographers and have been learning all about the technical names for features of rivers.
The children have continued to be excited by TT Rock stars ( and why not!). This week we added in the 8x table, which the children coped with brilliantly.
Thank you to all of our families for donating to the Harvest Festival project.
We wish you a safe, happy and restful weekend.
Many thanks,
Mr Williams and Mrs Cocks.