Year 5 Blog 24.2.23
Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 4:55pm
What a busy first week back after half term it's been!
We are now well into rehearsals for our Star Warts production and are enjoying getting into our roles. The singing sessions are a blast and extremely energic especially with Mrs Harper's tireless enthusiasm!
We have also packed in lots of other learning opportunities over the week.
In maths, we have continued with our decimals topic exploring addition and subtraction of decimals.
In guided reading, we are been looking at the poem , The Listeners, which has sparked lots of discussion and will the driver behind our writing over the next couple of weeks,
In science, we have revisited changes in the states of matter and even created our own mini water cycle demonstrating evaporation and condensation.
We also had time for another science investigation where we tested a range of solids to see if they were soluble or insoluble. We know why we need boiling water when making gravy as our granules didn't want to dissolve!
In PE, we began our new unit - handball, which is new to St Luke's. We used lots of skills from other sports to help us and didn’t realise how fast paced it was. Did you know, handball is one of the most popular team sports in much of Europe?
5W welcomed two Year 12 students from Range High School along with their teacher Mr Cropper to deliver a PE session as part of their Sports Science qualification.
5H have been mindful with Yoga during their Indoor PE sessions. Why not try some of the poses we’ve been practising in school with the family at home?
During computing, we have moved on to creating music using Scratch, and next week, we will develop our skills further when we create a short space themed piece to accompany scene 1 from the Start Wars production.
Mrs Platt has been teaching us some sign language so we can sign along to one of the songs from the production.
Finally, In Art, we looked at Set design and in particular, the designer, Rae Smith. We will develop our learning next week before using this knowledge to design and create our own set designs
Enjoy your weekend, which is forecast to be sunny, and stay safe.
From all of us in Year 5.